Mark Browning has conducted research on barn owls for the past ten years. His project in California attracted 18 breeding pairs of barn owls that fledged 66 young on 100 acres. He is the designer of the Barn Owl Box.

Louisiana Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Louisiana Louisiana harbors excellent populations of barn owls. High numbers exist in the southern counties where sugar cane, rice fields, and marshlands dominate, in the northeastern rice growing areas, and along the Mississippi, Red, and Archafalaya river…

Oregon Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Oregon Distribution of the barn owl in Oregon is complex due to the presence of varied ecosystems. The Pacific Ocean moderates the coast and provides ample rainfall, and the Cascades Mountain Range that runs down through the…

Colorado Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Colorado Barn owl numbers are good in the prairies and grasslands of eastern Colorado and in the valleys and scrub lands of the western part of the state. They nest in cottonwoods, hay bales, riverbanks, culverts, old…

Kansas Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Kansas Kansas has abundant good habitat for barn owls including prairie, pasture, hayfields, river valleys, and scrublands, all with good supplies of food in the form of voles, mice, and kangaroo rats. Barn owls are present in…

Idaho Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Idaho As our range map shows, barn owl populations in the southern half of Idaho are excellent from the agricultural valleys to the high desert scrublands; the northern half is too heavily forested for barn owls except for…

Wisconsin Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Wisconsin The barn owl in Wisconsin is rare and listed as endangered. Most breeding records have come from the southern counties where the state Bureau of Endangered Resources has attempted to bolster barn owl populations over the…

Connecticut Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Connecticut Barn owls have always been uncommon to rare in Connecticut due to the state’s harsh winters. They are principally found along the coast and within the large river valleys of the state. Breeding has been confirmed…

Tennessee Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Tennessee The western third of the state, with its low-country riverine and wetland systems, provides excellent habitat; and hay production in a wide band in the eastern third also produces good numbers. The middle of the state,…

Indiana Barn Owls

  As in many northern states, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when the original forest cover was cut in Indiana to create land for farming, the barn owl thrived. Since then, much of Indiana’s forests have regenerated…

Iowa Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Iowa Iowa once had far more barn owls than it does today, though the numbers in Iowa were never very high due to the normally severe winters. The main problem for barn owls is not so much…

Wisconsin Barn Owls

Barn Owls in Wisconsin The barn owl in Wisconsin is rare and listed as endangered. Most breeding records have come from the southern counties where the state Bureau of Endangered Resources has attempted to bolster barn owl populations over the…

West Virginia Barn Owls

Barn Owls in West Virginia This small, mountainous state, with its extensive forests, provides intermittent, yet excellent habitat for barn owls in its narrow valleys of pasture and hay that spread like numerous fingers between the hillsides. The saving grace…

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